Saturday, April 15, 2006

singled out

So someone patched back with the ex, some friends got hitched, one got married and oh well, none free to accompany poor old me.

Back to work tomorrow night... sigh.


I was browsing through some books, and a sudden thought hit me.

I used to feel... special somehow. Like.. people would love me for my bubbly personality, my witty jokes, my silliness... everything.

Somehow, I realised I'm.. just boring old me. No longer the hyper-active one, no longer the funny one, no longer the person to hang out with.

I hate this feeling.


Sudden craving for salmon.
And thick chunks of steak.


Anonymous said...

Dun worry abt not feeling special, it's basically a growing old thing ... *baahh*

Yan said...

i just had steak on saturday!! we should go for steak when we meet up on 3rd!