Friday, March 30, 2007

because i've been tagged...

6 weird things about myself:

But before I start this, I must put a disclaimer: I am not weird. Really. REALLY!!!

1. I hate brinjals/ aubergines/ eggplants, mangosteens... just because they are purple. And I no likey purple food.

2. I have very small nostrils, which I don't find weird but others do.

3. When I am overseas, I like to turn the TV on to CNN, so that I don't feel so alone in the room. People talk on CNN, you know? And I feel that in my subconscious mind, I can digest news better.

4. I like to cook (sometimes), but I never like to eat the things I cook. So I make people eat and I watch. hur hur hur.

5. I like the taste of wasabi. Just because it hits my nose. Just because.

6. er.... erm... ah... I am not weird. Can't think of 6 weird things lah!

I don't know who I should tag. So.. whoever wants to do it just do it. heh heh.

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