Saturday, September 16, 2006

i hate being me...

*edit: post deleted. I've thought about it and I guess I'll just have to follow whatever decision is made. I was just being whiney.*

Tonight I'll be heading for Johannesburg and Cape Town. A good break from home, away from the unhappiness that's been hanging up in the air for these couple of months.

Cheerful songs and movies seem to have no effect on me at the moment. But I'll be fine when I get back I suppose.

Bye all.


let me be said...

Babe... remember to come back on Saturday. On sat, let our brudders sour a bit and everything will be fine...

Ouch! said...

hey take care... hope sunny south africa can lift e spirits! =)

::jenn:: said...

the post i deleted earlier was on my issue of shifting house. Who said anything about men?

SOme people are really too shallow to realise that there is just more to life than relationships to get one down.

Looks, wealth and all are things I don't really bother with. And I don't understand why someone who signed off as anonymous would be too bothered with how my friend and i look, or how my life turns out.

but thanks for your concern anyway.

Anonymous said...

eh shit, i missed the whiny bit. and apparently some obnoxious annoymous comment.

anyway have a good trip.