Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Just when I thought we're over the housing episode, another episode furls in. And it's money-related again.

Money is the epitome of all evil. Whoever said that must have loved money till he hated it. And probably died hating it.

And I guess they always come to me because I seem like a pushover. I probably am, because relations matter to me more than money.

But I have no means to. And I hate how things are going within the family.

I am hoping for another miracle. Please please please.

One of the moments I yearn to seek refuge in someone stronger.


Ouch! said...

i'm sure u're actually strong enuf... take care =)

Yan said...

i hate money problems. my life so far has been tagged by these problems. my goal in life is to be free from this money shit. haha!!!