Tuesday, January 23, 2007

no snow?

It was a freezing -8 degrees Celcius when we touched down in Beijing... but no snow? I crashed shortly after I washed up and slept for a good... probably 8 hours. When S called I told him to visit me when he comes back to Singapore instead. Yawn.

I think I can still sleep somemore, save for the fact that I don't want to be wide awake at night.

ANYWAY, I don't understand why they put 'NO SMOKING ROOM' at the door, and have someone send up an ashtray to the room whether smoking or not. That defeats the purpose right?

QIAN! Can you come home on 17 March? I wanna go see Rachael Yamagata!

So far no one knows who she is. I've got a "Is she Japanese?" "When did you get interested in Japanese singers?" "Is she some dancer?" "Is it a ninja turtle?" (that was from Gigi, no less)... Sigh.

I wanna gO!

1 comment:

Why the smile? said...

I started listening to her recently too. I like!