Monday, January 22, 2007

ooopsy daisy!

Yawnz... I am now sitting here waiting to go to the airport. After sooooooo many days of not working, my limbs just aren't coordinating with my brain. Just the act of putting on the uniform causes my arms to suddenly suffer from fatigue, muscles sore and aching. Sigh. I must psych myself up to work.

Frankfurt was ok, the flight up was a lot comfortable than the flight back. Due to some storm in that part of Germany, the airport was closed the day before I was due to return. And because of that, the flight I took back was FULL. I now realise that as a passenger, you can never last long in the seat, especially if you're flying economy class. Halfway through the flight back, I found that I couldn't feel my legs anymore.

Ah well, we went to Heidelberg, and visited the Heidelberg Castle. The castle was pretty empty, but we figured it was due to the sign at the gate stating that it was closed. So we went up nonetheless and found it as open as it can be. The tour guide was amusing, and when he told us about the huge wine barrel that was under the dining room, I never realised it was THAT huge. If i had that barrel at home, the wine inside could last me for a good one year, and that is if I drink the amount close to a bottle EVERYDAY.

And I did something silly on the way back. Argh. I forgot that passenger allowance for liquid stuffs are pretty restricted, and I got a bottle of Absinthe confiscated. :( damn..

Sigh. BAck to work. Off to Beijing tonight, and meeting S in the afternoon tomorrow. It's snowing it's snowing it's snowing (I guess). I hate to freeze my butt off.

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