Saturday, January 27, 2007

what are the chances of...

... having a sudden downpour while trying to get a cab with a shelter nowhere in sight?

AHHHH CHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!


Met up at Holland Village with the guys to celebrate Ben jing's birthday. But while the rest met up at Hog's Breath for dinner, Ivy and I met up at TCC for coffee and small girl talk. I realised that this would probably be the first time that the two of us met up alone, other than she driving us 2 down to Sentosa to meet the rest couple of years back. And in many ways, I think we've both changed since then. We're all reaching quarter-of-a-century old now (I don't want to see the number yet!!) and it's high time we make firm decisions regarding our lives. No point hanging on to jobs which are draining your energy away, no point hanging on to relationships which just don't ever seem to work. The don't-wish-to-carry-a-label-self-declared-not-a-meat-eater (a.k.a. vegetarian) joined us shortly after, and we had a 'wild' time talking about... shit. I can't remember. Anyway, the rest joined us after their dinner and then we made Ben Jing eat his birthday cake even though he was full. Heh hehh hehhhh...

I need mahjong. My fingers are itching. I am gonna die soon.

A short talk with S made me realise how much I have been missing out on. And probably I should just leave doubts aside and do what I want. But then again... I hate feeling vulnerable to everything, if anything at all.

But... I guess you probably are right. I probably ain't ready, and am not cut out for this. So what should I do with my life?