Monday, February 26, 2007

and then I am 25...

Thank you for all the birthday sms-es on my getting-old day. Hee. But I was down with flu and fever. This year's birthday was the quietest one I've ever had, it didn't feel like a birthday at all. Kinda sad about it though, but it's ok. I chose to be away I guess.

But someone promised me a cake when I come back! So I held him to his promise and had a birthday dinner, complete with cake and 3 bottles of very good vintage wine which we had to persuade and almost beg to open. hehe. But thanks for the lilies... really love the bouquet.

An unexpected call came while I was in LA, and the 5-min talk became a longer one than I thought we could ever possibly have. I guess I need assurance, and at that time I just needed a voice from the past to wake me up.

Had a talk during dinner and I can't stop feeling amazed at how fast time flies and how fast we are all growing up and changed over the years. Even our dear Mr Chia is a proud grandfather. The guys are finishing their uni studies this year, and soon will be out in the working world.

I have many different groups of close friends, all whom I try to make time for, because they hold dear to my heart. But as different as they might be, I love them nonetheless.

A cynic love has made out of me, and I wonder if I ever will be able to... you know...

You don't?

it probably doesn't matter anyway.

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