Tuesday, February 13, 2007

how jenn how??!

I got back from Sydney yesterday and slept all the way till this morning. YAWN!

Don't like the daylight savings time thingy. Poor John had to wait an hour for me all because I forgot that Sydney was 3 hours ahead and not 2, and blur me, not realising I was already late when I went down, still said, "Wah! You're early!" Sigh. silly me. And he tried to make me tempted into shopping like crazy by bringing me over to the market. *ROOOOOOAR!* Luckily I had determination! The intermittent rain showers made the whole day dreary.

I don't know what we had to talk about, but we stayed up the whole night to chat and chat. And till I reported for flight. And then I crashed once I hopped into the cab home. And at home? I was totally oblivious to 40 missed calls. and 20 over sms-es.

So this morning I made a last minute decision to meet up with Darren, and we went off to Bugis. Caught up over coffee and bitched about our lives. It's pretty amazing how time flies so fast when we're jet-setting about. And how some of us find it difficult to find someone and settle down proper. Then how some girls are just so materialistic they put it a prerequisite to finding a boyfriend. And how some people hide their relationship status from others...


My PC is already down and now my iBook?!?!?!

it's a sign i should get a new MacBook isn't it?

heh heh heh

ARGH! gonna go scold my little rascal.

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