Saturday, July 14, 2007

being 2nd best.

it's always a wonder how rare it is for us to end up marrying the person we loved most. and then we end up marrying someone whom we love, but still think about the one we could have married.

and then years later, you realise he is thinking the same too.

so i say, love isn't the scariest thing on earth. marriage is.

if our paths find their way back, it still wouldn't be the same, for we loved who were in the relationship then, and not the present now. are we in love with memories? or the person?

leaving for los angeles.



Ouch! said...

perhaps even with 2nd best... its pretty good oradi... some of us might not even make it to become 3rd best or Xth best...


::jenn:: said...

maybe it's just this... thing in us that we'd always want to be the best in someone's life. hehe

Anonymous said...

You will always be the best in my heart.