Wednesday, September 07, 2005

It is already 3 am and...

Ma mere dort, mon chien dort, et mon frère n'est pas à la maison.
(My mother is sleeping, my dog is sleeping, and my brother is not home.)

I just burnt some lavendar oil and I guess I will be dozing off pretty soon.

Been thinking, and asking my lecturers from poly if I should consider taking up a degree from Le Cordon Bleu, to get my Master of Arts in Gastronomy.

I love food & wine alot, and have strong interest in that field. I don't wish to take too long to start on a career, and I think I've done enough spending on studies.

But yet, I wish to do all the studying I want before my desire to learn burns out.

It seems a lot feasible to work for a couple of years, before I take on the Masters degree. I can choose to do the degree online, but the on-campus experience would be a lot more beneficial for my future prospects.

Confused, confused, confused.

By the time I finish my degree, which would take another 1.5 years, I would be nearing 26, with no experience, or rather, outdated experience in my resume. I would be far, far, far behind my peers.

Do I have to give this up, just like how I gave up pursuing my love for music?

The calming effects of the lavendar has kicked in. Time for bed, finally.

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